Top Truly Biodegradable Dog Poop Bags

Top Truly Biodegradable Dog Poop Bags
Planet Poop (affiliate links follow)

Hey Dog Owners! We have The Scoop on what's Really Compostable (no hidden plastic) in the World of Poop Bags for Your Doggy

Ah, the age-old human habit of taking care of your furry friend's waste. It's a task that's not too glamorous, but as responsible dog owners, we do it with pride. Let's dive into the nitty-gritty details and enlighten ourselves with some hard-hitting facts about what's really biodegradable and earth-friendly.

First off, did you know that the average dog's large intestine produces roughly 274 pounds of waste per year? That's a whole lot of doo-doo, folks. Not to mention the fact that it can take up to one full year for dog poop to fully break down in the environment.

So, in essence, every time you don't pick up your pup's stool, you're leaving a lasting gift for the earth. Dog waste can contain harmful bacteria and parasites that can be transmitted to humans and other animals? That's right, it's not just gross - it's also a potential health hazard

What Doesn't Decompose

But at least it will return to the earth. Compound that gift with the plastic baggies normally often used in fido's feces collection, and we have an added problem, in terms of biodegradation.

ear not! There are plenty of options available to make this unpleasant task a little more bearable, for the plant and ourselves. The world of dog waste management is ever-evolving.



I've heard you can even buy a special grass pad that magically transforms your dog's waste into fertilizer, though I've never seen one. But what a great idea, and talk about eco-friendly! W have other fertilizer transforming options to consider. Read on, to find out.

Not to forget about the aesthetic aspect of picking up after our furry friends. No one wants to see or step in a pile of poop - it's one way to turn a good day into a bad one real fast. So, let's keep our sidewalks and parks feces-free, shall we? It's not only unpleasant to look at but also a simple act of consideration for our fellow humans and their pets.

So, we always bring bags with us when walking our dogs. It's not cute or quirky to be that neighbor who doesn't clean up after their pooch - it's just plain irresponsible. Plus, it's the law in most cities and you can face a pretty hefty fine for not doing so.

Just No Plastic Please

But let's not forget the environmental impact of single-use plastic bags. They take centuries to decompose, and often end up polluting our oceans and waterways. By choosing zero waste dog poop bags, you're making a small but impactful choice to reduce your carbon pawprint and keep our planet healthy.

If you're reading this post, you're among the planet loving responsible pet parents in the house! Congratulations! You're looking for the real deal, bonafide zero waste dog poop bags. And you've come to the right place! Zero waste means absolutely no plastic. And let's be real, plastic has overstayed its welcome in our lives, right? So why not bid adieu to plastic waste in dog poop bags too?

But there are also a lot of brands seeking to fool you with their "plant based"earth-friendly assertions. It's a huge industry and, contrary to popular belief, your choices are more limited than you think. Let's weed them out, shall we?

Not All Biodegradable Bags Are Created Equal

There are only a handful of brands that make truly compostable dog poop bags, made from 100% plant material or paper. These are The Original Dog Poop Bag, brought to you by the Jane Goodall Institute, Planet Poop, Cycle, Envirowise, Certified, Pet Laud, Nina Woof, Brown Avenue, Harvest Hills, and so far not many others.

Planet Poop

Don't Be Fooled

There are many other brands claiming to be biodegradable, while actually containing a high percentage of PBAT (plastic polymer) which may biodegrade sure enough, but persist as toxic particles - often marketed under an “Earth Rated” guise. These dubious Bio-Plastics break down into the same Micro-Plastics plaguing our environment today.

Near and dear to our hearts are man's (or woman's or child's) best friend, and cleaning up after their mess is an unfortunate necessity. While not our favorite job, it’s important to do it responsibly. That’s why more and more people are turning to biodegradable or compostable dog poop bags. With so many claiming this, how can you make sure that you’re getting the real thing? Read on for the scoop on impostor compostable dog poop bags and the microplastics they contain!

Don't Forget To Bring The Bags

Keep some in your coat pocket so you don't forget, but always bring some with you. You know that favorite coat by the door that you normally throw on when Fluffy needs to go out? And can't wait? That coat! A good place to keep them, in case you're sleepy or something, out for that impromptu walk with your best friend.

Impact Of All Those Plastic Versions

We all know the devastating effects of plastic on our environment, but did you know that dog poop bags are one of the major contributors to plastic pollution? Yes, you read it right. According to a study, almost 4.4 million tons of dog waste is produced every year in the US, and most of it ends up in plastic bags, which ultimately ends up in landfills.

The Original

Hidden Microplastics

Many brands claim to be compostable, earth-friendly, biodegradable and ”Earth Rated” when this is simply not the case. The truth is, these brands get away with claiming to be plant based, because, while they may contain some "plant based" component, most of their composition is plastic. This a bioplastic, they claim but not all bioplastics are the same.

The one we need to watch out for is called PBAT, which is plastic, and no mistake., undeserving of any "bio" association. Commonly included in the bioplastic category, but plastic nonetheless, and far from earth friendly.

PBAT Is The Enemy

These PBATs (polybutylene adipate terephthalate) do readily biodegrade into smaller particles, that's true. Proponents would argue, even faster than other bioplastics. However, what they are not telling you is that they break down into microplastic particles with the associated toxins of any fossil fuel derived product.

In addition it is argued that bacterial organisms further break down what remains. Essentially digesting these microplastics to become virtually unrecognizable in the biomass. While it's true such microorganisms exist, they are highly specific. And studies have shown them to be not prevalent enough in most environments to function as suggested.

Harvest Hills

Bioplastic Or Plastic?

The only alternative plastic is no plastic at all, and is not necessary in the construction of any bioplastic bag. Out of the many brands out there, only a few have embraced the making of a truly earth-friendly compostable dog poop bag, actually made from 100% biodegradable plant based material. Sustainably sourced from plants like corn or cassava starch, which means they don’t contain any petrochemicals at all and will break down in just a few days. They also won’t release any harmful gases when they decompose, making them much better for the environment than traditional plastic, recycled plastic, or PBAT bioplastic.

The later being actually much worse on the environment in terms of the microplastic problem because of how readily it is embraced as an alternative. So how do we avoid this when choosing our compostable disposable dog poop bags? Nina Woof and Brown Avenue Bags are made entirely out of paper.

Nina Woof Compare Brown Avenue

We've Narrowed The Choices For You

Everything here on the No Plastics List is completely free of the dreaded PBATs. These bags are typically made from biodegradable materials such as cornstarch, vegetable starch, or recycled paper. They break down naturally over time, leaving no harmful residue behind. Plus, they're typically more durable than traditional plastic bags, so you won't have to worry about any unpleasant surprises while you're out for a trot with Rover.

Pet Laud

All Cost Effective

The good news also is that many compostable dog poop bags are actually very affordable! In fact, some cost about the same as traditional plastic ones - meaning you can do your part for the environment without breaking the bank! Plus when you factor in how quickly these eco-friendly bags breakdown compared to their standard plastic counterparts you'll end up saving money in the long run too!

Ah, the timeless human habit of picking up our furry friend's feces. Not glamorous, no, but it’s an essential responsibility that comes with being a dog owner. And let’s face it - it’s a small price to pay for the unconditional love and loyalty they provide us in return.


So there you go- now you know why compostable dog poop bags are becoming increasingly popular among pet owners who care about doing their part for sustainability and environmental protection. Not only do they break down much better than both traditional plastic or PBAT bioplastic ones, but they're also reasonably priced too! So if you want an eco-friendly way of cleaning up after your pup invest in some quality, truly compostable, dog poop bags today – your wallet and your planet will thank you!


Impostor Brands

Other brands have deceptive names, like GreenerWalker or Plant Wise (ya right) but are actually plastic. Or they may be a "plant based" blend while still containing a high percentage of PBAT in composition. Make sure that it's Certified Compostable and contains no plastics of any color or kind.

Doggy Do Good

What's The Best Way To Dispose Of Dog Waste?

Ah yes, the age-old dilemma: how to dispose of our furry friend's feces in the most responsible manner. Kudos to you, my eco-warrior comrades, for we have found the first answer: zero waste dog poop bags, free from that pesky plastic, and then......

We know that dog waste can contain harmful bacteria and parasites that can be transmitted to humans and other animals, so when you do pick up your pup's poop, make sure to throw it away in a designated dog waste bin, or your own trash can if you have to. You don't want to attract unwanted critters by leaving it lying around. But there are also other disposal options.

Can Dog Poop Be Composted?

Now, you may be thinking, "Can I compost it? How do I safely do that?" The answer is yes, you can compost your pup's poop, but hold your horses, cowboy! It's not as straightforward as throwing it in your backyard compost bin. Those harmful pathogens and bacteria that we mentioned can harm your plants and even you!

That's where the Bokashi method comes in. This nifty way of composting involves fermenting the poop with a mix of sawdust and Bokashi bran. The bran is infused with microbes that break down the harmful pathogens and bacteria, leaving you with safe and nutrient-rich compost. Just make sure to keep it in a separate compost bin and the resulting fertilizer away from your vegetable garden.

You can order direct from the Bokashi Website

Alternately, Amazon carries Bokashi regular kitchen compost starter kits for as low as $69. Generally the same thing, just be sure to use this one solely for pet waste. Maybe purchase another for your kitchen scrap materials, They have a two bin option at a value price, even a countertop version. A great company, helping households everywhere make every day waste into usable nutrients.


Composting Specialists?

But let's be real, not everyone has the time or resources for the Bokashi method. So, what are your other options? You can throw your loaded biodegradable dog poop bag in the trash, as mentioned. Still not eco-friendly enough for you? Look for a pet waste composting service in your area. These companies collect and compost pet waste, turning it into fertilizer for non-edible plants.

Here's One You Can Check Out The Enviro Pet Waste Network

So their you have it, properly disposing of your dog's poop doesn't have to be a daunting task. With a bit of knowledge and a touch of humor, you can make the world a safer and more sustainable place, one poop at a time. Cheers to responsible pet ownership!

So Now You Know

You Know which bags to look for, what to avoid, and what to doo with it after. Taking care of your dog's waste is a necessary chore that should not be taken lightly. Always bring bags (the right kind) dispose of them properly, and remember that it's not just about being responsible - it's about being a considerate and respectful, planet loving member of your community. Happy walking (and picking up)!

Zero-waste dog poop bags are the way to go. Not only are they environmentally friendly and toxin-free, but they also come in fancy-looking designs and are easy to carry around. So, bid goodbye to the plastic dog poop bags forever and embrace a greener and cleaner future. Go forth, dear friends, and embrace the zero waste lifestyle with open arms (and open doggy bags). Your furry friends and Mother Earth will thank you.

Does Your Dog Require Booties When You Go Out? Find Plastic Free Ones Here

And Remember

DOO NOT be fooled, fellow dog and earth lovers, by those other brands with their "plant based earth-friendly" trickery. Opt for the real deal, truly biodegradable poop bag makers instead.

Happy Scooping!

We all have to doo it :)


What does “Earth Rated” mean?

Not what you may think. Earth Rated bags themselves are still polyethylene plastic, same material as plastic water bottles. The outer packaging and core roll may be made of recycled materials that may be compostable, but the bags break down into the same pesky microplastics we seek to avoid.

Why do Earth Rated products claim to be biodegradable?

Misleading terminology, to be sure, like Bioplastics. There's really no such thing as a Bioplastic. Just because this material is designed to break down quickly, the toxicity remains. These products are generally made from PBAT (polybutylene adipate terephthalate,) a petrol based polymer. By combining PBATs with some percentage of plant starch, some brands deceive the public into believing they are purchasing a product that is not harmful to the environment.

What about brands that use PVAs that dissolve quickly, is this an option?

PVA or Polyvinyl Alcohol is still plastic, a synthetic polymer. Used in making thin plastic layers, like on laundry pods. Yes PVAs are designed to dissolve quickly, but the process of its complete biodegradation is so specific that even wastewater treatment plants fail to accomplish this. PVAs persist and accumulate in our soils and waterways.

What is the best way to dispose of dog poop?

For 100% biodegradable dog poop bags, your options are to bury them, flush them, throw them in the trash or compost them. Of these options, the later is preferable because the heat involved is composting kills most harmful pathogens. Although the resulting fertilizer should only be utilized for ornamental plants. If buried, take care that this is not anywhere near a water source. If flushed, consider volume, as with anything flushable, where plumbing is concerned. If winding up in a landfill, still a better option than adding more plastic.

For more information:

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